Add music to a GIF online

Create GIFs with audio right in your browser. No downloads required!

How to add audio to a GIF using the online video maker from Movavi

Add your files

Click Add Your Files and choose the GIF you want to add music to. You can add files up to 500MB total.

Make your video

Upload your own audio track or choose one from the built-in library. Click Continue when you’re ready.

Save the result

Select one of the available export options to download your video.

Why use our online video editor?

Fast video creator

Thanks to the handy tools, you can add music to a GIF in just a few clicks.

GIF file support

You can upload up to 500MB of GIFs with no lags.

Adjustable clip duration

Select the desired image clip duration for your video.

Online video creation

Now you don’t even have to download anything – create videos right in your web browser.

Free music library

Add your own music or use copyright-free tracks from the built-in library.

Simple interface

Editing videos in our video maker is super-easy and takes just a few minutes.